The MOOT is not a physical museum (not at this time, anyway) - it is essentially a private collection that is being made available for all to "visit" online. It will contain a disproportionate amount of Apple material, but that's chiefly because that's our primary area of expertise. However, there will be examples from other computer companies, and not just computing - we will cover audio, video, photography, and countless other areas where technology has affected (and hopefully, improved) our lives.
As the website grows, expect not only to see "exhibits", but also commentary on technology and its affect on society, as well as behind-the-scenes stories of where these items came from, and what we have done to repair, restore, and preserve them.
To round out our online presence, there will be a companion YouTube channel, Facebook Page, and Instagram.
If you love old technology like we do, and if you have something that you believe would make a worthy addition to the MOOT, we welcome your donations. Speaking of donations - since it costs money to store the hardware, host the site, and pay for supplies for repairs and maintenance, we may establish something like a Patreon in the future. We'll add links to all of these things as they come online.
We hope you will enjoy the MOOT as much as we do!