museum of obsolete technology
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iPod (2001)

iPod Shuffle (2005)


Boy's Radio (Early 60s)


Model R-1052 Transistor Radio (Early 70s)

Apple iPod Shuffle 1GB (2005)

Purchased new.

This is the original iPod shuffle, which allowed carrying your music with you in a much smaller form (about the size of a chewing gum pack), and at a lower price ($99 and $149 for the two original models - $130 and $196 in today's money). The trade-off was that it held less music (there were 512MB and 1GB versions available), and there was no screen. You could skip through songs and switch among playlists, but obviously could not select them by name.

Removing the end cap revealed a USB connector, allowing you to plug it into the computer like a thumb drive, and manage the songs in iTunes. An alternate end cap was provided, with an attached lanyard, so you could hang it around your neck. It originally came with a standard set of iPod earbuds as well.

Our iPod Shuffle most likely still works, but it has not been tested recently.